Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your booking by notifying the Tour Operator. Cancellation fees, if any, will be determined with reference to the date on which notice of cancellation is received by the Tour Operator and are expressed as a percentage of the total price of the cancelled Tour, product or service.
(a) Cancellation received 30 days or more before departure of first product or service in relevant booking: No cancellation fees in respect of the cancelled product, will be applied, held and/or requested by the Tour Operator.
(b) Cancellation received 15-29 days before departure of first product or service in relevant booking: An amount equal to 25% in respect of the cancelled product, will be applied, held and/or requested by the Tour Operator.
(c) Cancellation received 7-14 days before departure of first product or service in relevant booking: An amount equal to 50% in respect of the cancelled product, will be applied, held and/or requested by the Tour Operator.
(d) Cancellation received less than 6 days before departure of first product or service in relevant booking and no-shows: An amount equal to 100% in respect of the cancelled product, will be applied, held and/or requested by the Tour Operator.
For certain products or services offered by the Tour Operator, alternative cancellation terms may apply. The Tour Operator will advise you of any such requirements prior to confirmation of the applicable booking.